معوقات النشر الاكاديمي في المجلات العلمية المحكمة وسبل تجاوزها - مجلة دراسات تربوية أنموذجاً-
This research deals with the obstacles that hinder researchers from publishing in the court of scientific journals, where the researcher faces as part of scientific research are many difficulties and obstacles that could threaten the scientific path and even practical, including obstacles and difficulties of publication and which is (a publication) as a scientific product any researcher seeking and it aspires to bring out the scientific value utilized during which the community so that he became a researcher through thisDifficulties depends on other types of Alassaobaco challenges facing the scientific research and Almadihothdida year on 06/04/2015 number biting released a book of the Iraqi Council of Representatives regarding the prevention of printed newspapers and magazinesAnd publications and not spending any amount they consume amounts in the general budget or forgetting Tanasen magazine educational studies is a specialized magazine publishes scientific research according to the official letter No. 21820 dated 14/04/2011Where he got to approve the adoption of the Journal of educational studies for the purposes of scientific upgrade and not a magazine publicity or advertising or newsworthy and so jammed a large number of research nearly 500 Search in all disciplinesThis is precisely transferred director of the journal, Dr. Hatem al-Tai high educational studies, researchers have been waiting more than five months a breakthrough for this type of resolution last types of Court of scientific journals, among other propaganda and news reporting and advertising journals note that the magazine educational studies've got a letter of appreciation they had made an advanced position in a number of researchobstacles does not differentiate where the decision-maker
Court of scientific journals, among other propaganda and news reporting and advertising journals note that the magazine educational studies've got a letter of appreciation they had made an advanced position in a number of researchDownloaded it universally and is the culmination of the success of the project Iraqi academic journals and scientific site Assi The importance of research my girl that the dissemination of scientific research is one of the main tributaries that is based on commuIn developmental trajectory measure of nations and peoples of the paper and progress is either objective of this research is to identify the constraints faced by publishing scientific journals in court so the researcher under the guidance questionnairenityThe researchers on the topic dealt with the researcher group of previous studies concerning the subject has been researcher followed a set of actions described in terms of the research community, consisting of researchersWho publish their research in scientific journals and the court's 60 scholar and researcher in various disciplines and the researcher to build a private research through access to literature and previous studies tool as well as the questionOpen where he was a valid and reliable instrument for the purpose of applying the questionnaire and get results after treatment with statistically so divided researcher researched into three chapters: The first chapter discusses the research problemThe importance of Search - Search goals - research methodology - define the terms .alvsal II: eating the general framework of previous research and studies either Chapter III: The Search Procedures eat - research sample -mojtma Search-eduat Search - and reached by the research and also addressed ways to the advancement of the publication in scientific journals Court.
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