Ethics in BuddhismControversy of tolerance and follower violence“The Gospel of Buddha...and Burmese Buddhism as a model
Buddhism. Moral. Extremism. Burma.Abstract
The moral characteristic in Buddhism constituted a basic element and feature that distinguishes it from other religions, and although some religions share that characteristic with it, it has become one of its own connotations, and we find by tracking the behaviors of its followers that they move away to the other end of the moral aspect at the level of dealing with others. Doctrinally different, and this became clear with the Muslims of Burma, their behavior was characterized by violent, bloody extremism, and acquired a religious character, as it represented the worst symbol of violent religious extremism. Buddhist violence towards Muslims was not born today, and its motives were not solely religious, and violence was not religious in isolation from Government intervention, elements that participated in this bloodshed, religion is not measured by theorizing, but rather its goodness is measured by the extent of its realism at the level of daily dealing with the other, whether he belongs to me or differs in belief
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