The role of public relations in building the mental image of Iraqi Airways Company "A survey study on the Iraqi Airways Company"  (a survey study)


  • Rese. Duha Thamer Radi University of Baghdad / College of Media / Department of Public Relations
  • Prof. Dr Salim Jassim Mohammed Al-Azzawi University of Baghdad / College of Media / Department of Public Relations



Mental image, public relations, airways


This research dealt with identifying the role played by public relations in building the mental image of airways companies, as public relations in all institutions play important roles in building the image of the institution in a positive way. For this reason, public relations in the Iraqi Airways Company employed one of the social networking sites “Facebook” in building Its mental image, and many methods, appeals and strategies were used in the communication messages addressed to the public to make the process of building the company’s mental image successful. The research problem revolves around the following main question: (What is the role of public relations in building the mental image of the Iraqi Airways Company)? The research aims to know the most important activities carried out by public relations workers in the company in order to build a positive mental image, and to know the most prominent jobs, methods, solicitations and strategies that public relations in the Iraqi Airways Company followed to build its image. The research reached a number of results, the most important of which are:

  • Building and maintaining a good image for the company is the most prominent activity that employees sought to achieve, and it ranked first among other activities, with a percentage of 95% .
  • Public relations uses scientific methods, scientific research, planning, communication, follow-up and evaluation. 
  • Public relations relied on methods of persuasion in the content of messages addressed to the public, especially on the method of influencing message. This method ranked first with a percentage of 481% and one hundred and twenty repetitions


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How to Cite

Duha Thamer Radi, R., & Salim Jassim Mohammed Al-Azzawi, P. D. . (2024). The role of public relations in building the mental image of Iraqi Airways Company "A survey study on the Iraqi Airways Company"  (a survey study). Lark, 16(4 /Pt1), 572-556.