The impact of nature on modern Hebrew poetry Yehuda Lev Jordan’s Descriptive poem


  • Adnan Abdulrazak Muslih University :Al-erakiya Faculty of Communication



This research explores the theme of descriptive poetry in contemporary Hebrew literature and its relationship with nature. Descriptive poetry draws inspiration from various aspects of life that exude happiness, reflecting contentment and tranquility. It finds its source material in rural life, often depicting the serene and stable aspects while avoiding tumultuous events and the vicissitudes of fate. The “descriptive poem” vividly portrays the peaceful life found in nature and its breathtaking landscapes, making it emotionally palpable as a means to re-establish the lost connection between nature and the human spirit. It frequently captures scenes or moments deemed worthy of depiction, such as people’s joy and expressions of satisfaction with their circumstances. In doing so, it acquires a rustic quality that depicts both rural and simple village life. Pastoral poetry from the Enlightenment era is characterized by its continuity, serenity, and reverence for nature. Its protagonists are typically primitive shepherds leading simple lives near water springs, forests, and mountains, amidst a community of livestock. The pastoral aim is, essentially, to assert the superiority of life in nature over that in urban settings. The Enlightenment period notably embraced this genre of poetry, evident in the literary works of poets from this era of modern Hebrew literature, particularly among those influenced by Enlightenment ideals. These poets often drew inspiration from biblical sources, employing them to serve the objectives of the Enlightenment movement.



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השיר מתוך האתר פרויקט בן יהודה






Oriental languages

How to Cite

Adnan Abdulrazak Muslih, P. .Dr . (2024). The impact of nature on modern Hebrew poetry Yehuda Lev Jordan’s Descriptive poem. Lark, 16(2 pt1), 597-581.