The guarantees guaranteed by the rules of general international law through international agreements and declarations of human rights


  • Researcher Manar Dia Jawhar Qum University/
  • Dr. Mustfa Fadia



international law, right of asylum, refugees, human rights


It can be summarized that the right to asylum is the only right enjoyed by refugees without other rights, and that the decision of migrants to migrate is related to other rights, and they can leave their country to obtain protection and assistance in other countries. International communities have made great efforts in an organized manner in the field of protecting human rights and the right to asylum, but they face many difficulties in this field, such as financial problems and the failure of some countries to receive or shelter the displaced, in addition to the time restrictions and the problems of the stage that the displaced face. Despite the challenges it faces, the United Nations continues to work continuously productively and seeks to provide durable solutions to protect the dignity and freedom of refugees by preventing the recurrence of refugee conditions, in light of the high numbers of migrants and displaced persons and the deteriorating environmental conditions.

International human rights law was established in 1966 by the International Covenants on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and on Civil and Political Rights. The issue of asylum was not dealt with until later, after the creation of international law and humanitarian law. The beginning of legalization and the beginning of regulation must be distinguished, and that is why international human rights organizations began with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.

International human rights law, which is considered the largest branch of international humanitarian law, deals with the issue of protecting human rights and freedoms, including the right to asylum. This includes many international agreements, and specialized institutions such as the UNHCR deal with refugees. The law also seeks to address issues that affect the increase in the number of refugees in the international community, such as urging the establishment of democratic institutions and fighting discrimination, terrorism, poverty and unemployment. Views on the right of asylum differ in international human rights law, international humanitarian law and Islamic law.


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How to Cite

Manar Dia Jawhar, R., & Mustfa Fadia, D. (2023). The guarantees guaranteed by the rules of general international law through international agreements and declarations of human rights. Lark, 15(3 /Pt1), 258-235.