Geographical Distribution of the Commercial Sector in the Central Business District, Commercial and Secondary Streets of the Hashemite District for the Year 2022.


  • Researcher Duaa Sabar Hilal Babylon University- College of Education For Human Sciences - Department of Geography.
  • Asst. Prof.Dr Sahar Abdulhadi Hussein Al-Sharifi Babylon University- College of Education For Human Sciences - Department of Geography.



the commercial sector, the number of shops, the number of employee


    The conclusion of this paper lies in identifying the geographical distribution of the commercial sector in the Alhashemiah district. It is considered one of the important sectors that contribute to increasing income and providing the basic needs of the population. It also attracts a large number of labor force, which has a clear impact on the economic aspects. The study relied on the descriptive and analytical approach, in addition to the field study for the year 2022.we note that the geographical distribution of the commercial sector varies from one district to the other and  it is characterized by the diversity of commodities in the study area. The Al-Qasim and Al-Medhatiyah sub-districts occupy the first place due to the high population and the religious factor, and the center district and Al-Shomali district came in the highest ranking Because of the high number of population and the religious factor, the district center and Al-Shomali district came in second place, while Al-Tali’a district suffers from the weakness and deterioration of the commercial sector. The research concluded with results and recommendations.


-حسن نهلة احمد

-شمخي افراح ابراهيم







How to Cite

Duaa Sabar Hilal, R., & Sahar Abdulhadi Hussein Al-Sharifi, A. P. (2022). Geographical Distribution of the Commercial Sector in the Central Business District, Commercial and Secondary Streets of the Hashemite District for the Year 2022. Lark, 15(1), 941-918.