Youth issues in directed satellite channels An analytical study of the Shabab Tok program on the German DW channel


  • Assist. Lect. Ahmed kareem Ahmed University of Misan – College of Political Science



Keywords: issues, directed, youth, channels


The research aims to identify youth issues in the satellite channels directed by monitoring a sample of the episodes of the program (Youth Talk in the German DW channel), which dealt with youth issues and analyzed them ,This research is classified within the descriptive research, The researcher adopted the survey method, and the use of scientific observation to collect information about the nature of the program by following the episodes of the program (Shabab Talk), which provided contents targeting the youth segment,  The researcher prepared a content analysis form based on the research problem, objectives and questions related to the research problem, based on calculating the number of repetitions and percentages as a statistical measure. The researcher reached a number of results, the most important of which are:

 1- Political issues are the highest ranked among the issues discussed within the program within the research sample, followed by religious issues.

2- The issue of the Iraqi Kurdistan referendum ranked first among the political issues dealt with in the program’s episodes (research sample).

3- Deviant religious beliefs are the highest ranked among the religious issues discussed in the program (the research sample), followed by the extremism and extremism category.

4- The issue of unemployment was at the forefront of the economic issues dealt with in the program’s episodes (the research sample), while the category (poverty) came after it.

5- The issue of administrative corruption ranked first among the corruption issues that were discussed in the program within the (research sample), while the bribery category came in second place.



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الموقع الرسمي للشبكة دي دبليو







How to Cite

Ahmed kareem Ahmed , A. L. (2022). Youth issues in directed satellite channels An analytical study of the Shabab Tok program on the German DW channel. Lark, 14(5), 870-851.