تقنيات الصورة الرقمية ودورها على الرسوم التوضيحية في الجرافيك الرقمي


  • رشا شافي عبـد السادة جبر, م.م.




novel, experimentation



The subject of the research is the use of digital techniques and programs, as tools by the artist emerged and developed by the development of digital technology has become a tool for the artist and the element of assistance in his work, which makes his ideas and creativity in his work.

The digital image emerged from the beginning of impressionist thought and specifically (the division), which was the basis of the creation of the image, which was based on (point) and then developed digital technology and became small units known as the pixels and the fusion of these points produce a mosaic picture can not identify the features of the point , Where many artists have attracted this technology because it is a new technique, which is always sought by the creative artist, everything that is out of style and not touched.

Art is the product of the creative activity of the artist and an honest expression of the interaction of life. There is no difference from its use of modern or traditional techniques to translate these feelings and a sense of artistic works that fascinate the beholders.

The research includes four chapters. The second chapter deals with the methodological framework of research and its introduction to the problem of research, while the second chapter may deal with the concept of digital image and associated scientific knowledge. It also dealt with the concept of digital art and its methods of development and its most important technical features. It also dealt with the concept of illustrations which in turn helps to clarify the information contained in The second part of the chapter deals with the most important drawing programs used in the two-dimensional drawing with the identification of the tools of each program. The researcher decided to provide the most common programs in A program for painters (MS paint) program (Art Rage) program is the most commonly used (Photoshop).

The third part of the chapter deals with the applications of graphic programs, the digital image in the illustrations. The researcher concluded with a number of indicators on which the research community was defined and a model of analysis was determined. The researcher reached a set of conclusions, recommendations, and suggestions.

  1. The modern techniques have greatly influenced the illustrations, which has enriched the creative process of the artist and presented his creations in a new way.

. 2. Digital technology plays an important role in aesthetically illustrating graphics.

The most important conclusions:

  1. The technique of producing illustrations is a contemporary means of producing paintings to rely on the world to produce paintings to rely on the virtual world of the surface of Basra. The technique of production depends on the tools (brushes, colors, brick, concrete effects added.

2.The emergence of digital art came as a result of the development of a modern technique that helped the artist to accomplish works of a new kind. It does not receive in return what has been accomplished from traditional works other than the stages of the development of digital art techniques, it is a new art and not an alternative art.


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How to Cite

جبر ر. ش. ع. ا. (2019). تقنيات الصورة الرقمية ودورها على الرسوم التوضيحية في الجرافيك الرقمي. Lark, 11(4), 169-184. https://doi.org/10.31185/lark.Vol3.Iss34.1172