Development of a diagnostic reference test in mathematics to detect errors Fifth grade students in primary mathematics in Wasit Governorate


  • د. علي عباس الزاملي wasit education



development, testing, mathematics, grade, errors, students, fifth elementary.


The aim of the current research is to develop a diagnostic test spoken in the fifth primary grade when studying mathematical concepts, mathematical operations and mathematical applications. For this purpose, a diagnostic test in mathematics for the fifth primary grade was built to cover the expected goals to be achieved after teaching the mathematics curriculum and its number (40) targets distributed in On (4) main axes: the number and operations axis, the algebra axis, the engineering and measurement axis and the statistics and probability axis within the relative weights of each axis. Where the validity of the tests was verified and proven, and after the completion of the development of the test, it was applied to a random sample consisting of (1501) male and female students, and it was one of the most prominent results with regard to the mistakes that students of the fifth primary class fall into: the confusion between the denominator and the multiplier, and between the denominator and the participant And non-distinction of decimal places from each other, and error in the facts of division, and the addition of the numerator with the numerator and denominator with the denominator in the case of adding regular fractions, and subtract the numerator from the numerator and denominator from the denominator in the event of subtracting regular fractions                                                                                             


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psychology & teaching methods

How to Cite

علي عباس الزاملي د. . (2020). Development of a diagnostic reference test in mathematics to detect errors Fifth grade students in primary mathematics in Wasit Governorate. Lark, 12(4), 511-490.