Language and Dialect in Narration counter (Iraqi Jewish novels as a model


  • الباحثة دلال علي حسين جامعة واسط
  • ا. م. د. سعد داحس ناصر



Language Dialect Margin counter narration


The entitled paper "language and Dialectology in counter narration" aims to stand toward the narrative acting, that expresses the qualified cultural work with multi-dimensions. That also can be spread through a group of ideologies with oneself adoption for the other. It means the margin against the center. The Oneself 's culture can be spread through this acting, trying to return its identity, instead of resisting the center and disconnect it, that on the other side adopts two mechanisms: exclusion and marginalization.                                                                                   



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How to Cite

دلال علي حسين ا., & سعد داحس ناصر ا. م. د. (2020). Language and Dialect in Narration counter (Iraqi Jewish novels as a model . Lark, 12(4), 253-236.