الامكانيات السياحية في قضاء بدرة

الامكانيات السياحية


  • lama al mahde wasit university




الكلمات المفتاحية : السياحة ، مقومات السياحة ، متطلبات السياحة Key words :Tourism, ingredients of Tourism , Requirements of Tourism.


Badra district  is considered “one of the most important tourist attractions in Wasit Governorate, because it has internal incentives that provide a motivation for those looking for entertainment, including tourist attractions, However, it suffers from neglect despite the diversification of the economic resources that abound in it, which requires attention to tourism planning by officials in the central and local government in order to achieve tourism development and achieve economic goals represented in increasing the real and national income of the individual , Because it achieves economic and social development, because investing in the tourism industry is part of the goals of development plans because of its great importance in preserving the economic, cultural and social structure in the district.


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12(International Students Edition, New York: .Oxford Advanced Leaner’s Dictionary )5(,press University Oxford,2006, p1565







How to Cite

al mahde, lama. (2020). الامكانيات السياحية في قضاء بدرة : الامكانيات السياحية . Lark, 12(2), 376-358. https://doi.org/10.31185/lark.Vol2.Iss37.1455