التنظيم الشكلي في أسس العلاماتية لشعارات الجامعات العراقية
The logo and a way to interpret the ideas and needs , and is a means of communication visual so it is used in all areas and is representing the country or government departments , scientific institutions , such as universities saluting shows the role and importance of the logo for universities in the definition of the university environment , which was issued by the logo in terms of place and a scientific university. And the importance of this topic and the lack of a study on universities codes in the field of graphic design has therefore held that the researcher is studying this area set a specific target relied upon for the purpose of study and analysis and represented by :1. disclose the types of formal and functional for Alamatah logos regulation.And it adopted a researcher on a sample of seven models of the official slogans of Iraqi universities b :( Mstnasrah Baghdad - Basra - connector - Tknlogih - Tikrit -kovh ) . Through the analytical results it found that most of the slogans :- That the formal organization based organization is prevalent in the design of logos , followed by formal regulation Synthesis overlapped , followed by formal regulation and expansion it appeared that the organization is more formal based systems used in the design of logos . Other types of regulation were not used .2. did not achieve formal regulation adopted in logos relationship in the foundations of design labels have appeared that (color, size , direction and texture ) role is weak either 0 photovoltaic value has had a positive role in the design of logos .
- You do not founded Relational slogans clear and positive role in the formal organization of the slogans where it appeared that all of the . ( Rhythm , proportionality , diversity, balance ) are negative relationships in performance design except each of the ( harmony , contrast , sovereignty ) was a Dhoruai positive in regulation. And it came to the most important recomm
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