التمثيل الخرائطي للموازنة المائية في محافظة بابل


  • محمد حميد عباس




Water is a renewable resource, but as much, which requires us to study and research, to reach the best ways to maintain it and exploit it, and it was to represent the cartographic using GIS software arcGIS9.2 interest in showing the water budget (Water shortage and surplus) between the province and parts, and contrast spatial and time, and give an accurate picture, and close to reality as much as possible, was there a seasonal aqueous decrease and a seasonal surplus, according to the way Thornthwite, while the seasons water surplus three, seasons water decreases one, according to the method (Blany - Criddle) modified by Najib Khrovh, as if there is a discrepancy clear distribution Here the spatial in the amounts of increase and decrease between the parts of the province, which calls to exploit that variation in the different uses of land, especially agricultural.


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How to Cite

عباس م. ح. (2019). التمثيل الخرائطي للموازنة المائية في محافظة بابل. Lark, 9(4). https://doi.org/10.31185/lark.Vol3.Iss26.433