The Status of Bangladeshi Immigrant Women and the Consequences of the Attacks of 9/11 in Monica Ali's Brick Lane
يركز البحث على دراسة دور المهاجرات البنغلاديشيات في رواية الكاتبة البريطانية مونيكا علي المعنونة برك لن. تصور الرواية ولأول مرة الحياة الداخلية للمهاجرات البنغلاديشيات في لندن, وتلقي الضوءعلى معاناتهن كمجموعة مهمشة من خلال اعطاء البطلة (نازنيين) صوتا تعكس به هذه المعاناة. تتشابك الاحداث مع الهجوم الارهابي في الحادي عشر من سبتمبر وتداعياته على حياة الاقلية البنغلاديشية والمسلمة في ذلك الحين وما تلاها. كذلك تتابع الرواية تطور نازنيين من كونها امرأة مهمشة الى أمراة مستقلة.
Adebayo, Diran. "An Interview with Monica Ali." Writing Across Worlds: Contemporary Writers Talk. Ed. Susheila Nasta. London: Routledge, 2004.
Akhter, Maswood. "Politics of Right to Write and Monica Ali's F Fiction." Asiatic. Vol. 6, No. 1, 2012. Pp. 95-111.
Ali, Monica. Brick Lane. London: Transworld Publishers, 2003.
Allen, C. "Justifying Islamophobia: A Post 9/11 Consideration of the European Union and British Contexts." American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 2000.
Azawi, Basma Harbi mahdi (Al). "London Seen Through the Eyes of the Female Other." Alberta: University of Calgary, 2013. Unpublished Dissertation
Bales, K. Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy. Berekeley: University of California Press, 1999.
Bastida-Rodriguez, Patricia. “The Hidden Face of the New Millennium: Migrant Exploitation and Reader Expectations in Monica Ali's In the Kitchen.” SKASE , Journal of Literary Studies 3.2 (2011). P. 49-65.
Bentley, Nick. Contemporary British Fiction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press Ltd., 2008.
Bradford, Richard. The Novel Now: Contemporary British Fiction. MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2007.
Brownrigg, Sylvia. "An Interview with Monica Ali."
Cormack, A. "Migration and the Politics of Narrative Form: Realism and the Postcolonial Subject in Brick Lane." Contemporary Literature. Vol. 47, No. 4, Winter 2006. P. 695- 721.
Davis, Rowenna. " An Interview with Monica Ali." finally/2011/05/01/monica-ali/ . Accessed 12 April 2014.
Eade, John. "The Politics of Community: The Bangladeshi Community in East London." University of London , 1989. Unpublished Dissertation.
Hall, Tarquin, Salaam Brick Lane. A Year in the New East End. London: John Murray, 2005.
Haq, Kaiser. "Monica Ali." South Asian Writers in English. Ed. Fakr Alam Alam. MI: Thomson Gale, 2006.
Hiddleston, Jane. "Shapes and Shadows: (Un)veiling the Immigrant in Monica Ali's Brick Lane." The Journal of Commonwealth Literature. 2005. P. 57- 72.
Harris, Paul and Martin Bright. " Bitter harvest from Decades of
Division Division " (2001). › World › UK News › Race iss issues. Accessed 5 March 2015).
Kral, Francois. "Shaky Ground and New Territories in Brick Lane by Monica Ali and The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri." Journal of Postcolonial Writing. Vol. 43, No. 1. 2007. PP, 65-67.
Kundnani, Arun. "From Oldham to Bradford: The Violence of the V Violated." Institute of Race Relations, 2001. Accessed 12 Nov. 2004.
Lane, Harriet . "Ali's in Wonderland" (2003). › Arts Books › Monica Ali. Accessed 13. March 2014.
Lopez, Alfred. " ' Everybody else just living their lives': 9/11, Race and tthe New Post-Global Literature." Patterns of Prejudice. 42:4-5, 2008. P. 509 - 529.
Lea, Richard and Paul Lewis. "Local Protests over Brick Lane Film. (2006, July 17). › Arts › Books › Monica Ali. Accessed on 16 July 2015.
Marsden, Chris. "Britain: Oldham riots sparked by deliberate cultivation of racism" (2001). html m29.html. Accessed 20 Jan. 2014.
Mercer, Kobena. "Black Art and the Burden of Representation." Third Text, Vol.10, 1990. P. 61-78.
Mohanty, Chandra Talpade. Feminism without Borders: Decolonizing Theory, Practicing Solidarity. Durham: Duke University Press, 2003.
Mudge, Alden. " Monica Ali: Second Act." Accessed 19. June 2014.
Poole, E. Reporting Islam: Media Representations of British Muslims. London : I.B. Tauris, 2002.
Procter, James. "New Ethnicities, the Novel, and the Burden of Representation." A Concise Companion to Contemporary British Fiction. Ed. James F. English. Oxford: Blackwell, 2006.
Sandapen, Sheila Françoise Theresa. "Being Black, Becoming British Contemporary Female Voices in Black British Literature." Indiana: University of Pennsylvania, 2009. Unpublished Dissertation.
Saskia, Sassen. Globalization and its Discontents. New York: New Press. 1998.
Tongur, A.Najat. "Rebellion: Second Generation Bangladeshi Immigrants in Brick Lane." The Journal of International Research. 2013. Vol. 6, issue: 26. P. 561-567.
Valman, Nadia. "The East End Bildungsroman from Israel Zangwill to Monica Ali." Wasafiri. 24:1. P. 3-8.
Wallace Nilsson, Margaret. "A Post-Colonial Study of Fact and
Fiction Fiction in Monica Ali’s Brick Lane." University of Kristianstad, 2010. Unpublished Thesis.
Winter, Brawyn and Susan Hawthorne. September 11, 2001 Feminist Perspectives. Melbourne: Spinifex Press Pty Ltd., 2002.
Adebayo, Diran. "An Interview with Monica Ali." Writing Across Worlds: Contemporary Writers Talk. Ed. Susheila Nasta. London: Routledge, 2004.
Akhter, Maswood. "Politics of Right to Write and Monica Ali's F Fiction." Asiatic. Vol. 6, No. 1, 2012. Pp. 95-111.
Ali, Monica. Brick Lane. London: Transworld Publishers, 2003.
Allen, C. "Justifying Islamophobia: A Post 9/11 Consideration of the European Union and British Contexts." American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 2000.
Azawi, Basma Harbi mahdi (Al). "London Seen Through the Eyes of the Female Other." Alberta: University of Calgary, 2013. Unpublished Dissertation
Bales, K. Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy. Berekeley: University of California Press, 1999.
Bastida-Rodriguez, Patricia. “The Hidden Face of the New Millennium: Migrant Exploitation and Reader Expectations in Monica Ali's In the Kitchen.” SKASE , Journal of Literary Studies 3.2 (2011). P. 49-65.
Bentley, Nick. Contemporary British Fiction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press Ltd., 2008.
Bradford, Richard. The Novel Now: Contemporary British Fiction. MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2007.
Brownrigg, Sylvia. "An Interview with Monica Ali."
Cormack, A. "Migration and the Politics of Narrative Form: Realism and the Postcolonial Subject in Brick Lane." Contemporary Literature. Vol. 47, No. 4, Winter 2006. P. 695- 721.
Davis, Rowenna. " An Interview with Monica Ali." finally/2011/05/01/monica-ali/ . Accessed 12 April 2014.
Eade, John. "The Politics of Community: The Bangladeshi Community in East London." University of London , 1989. Unpublished Dissertation.
Hall, Tarquin, Salaam Brick Lane. A Year in the New East End. London: John Murray, 2005.
Haq, Kaiser. "Monica Ali." South Asian Writers in English. Ed. Fakr Alam Alam. MI: Thomson Gale, 2006.
Hiddleston, Jane. "Shapes and Shadows: (Un)veiling the Immigrant in Monica Ali's Brick Lane." The Journal of Commonwealth Literature. 2005. P. 57- 72.
Harris, Paul and Martin Bright. " Bitter harvest from Decades of
Division Division " (2001). › World › UK News › Race iss issues. Accessed 5 March 2015).
Kral, Francois. "Shaky Ground and New Territories in Brick Lane by Monica Ali and The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri." Journal of Postcolonial Writing. Vol. 43, No. 1. 2007. PP, 65-67.
Kundnani, Arun. "From Oldham to Bradford: The Violence of the V Violated." Institute of Race Relations, 2001. Accessed 12 Nov. 2004.
Lane, Harriet . "Ali's in Wonderland" (2003). › Arts Books › Monica Ali. Accessed 13. March 2014.
Lopez, Alfred. " ' Everybody else just living their lives': 9/11, Race and tthe New Post-Global Literature." Patterns of Prejudice. 42:4-5, 2008. P. 509 - 529.
Lea, Richard and Paul Lewis. "Local Protests over Brick Lane Film. (2006, July 17). › Arts › Books › Monica Ali. Accessed on 16 July 2015.
Marsden, Chris. "Britain: Oldham riots sparked by deliberate cultivation of racism" (2001). html m29.html. Accessed 20 Jan. 2014.
Mercer, Kobena. "Black Art and the Burden of Representation." Third Text, Vol.10, 1990. P. 61-78.
Mohanty, Chandra Talpade. Feminism without Borders: Decolonizing Theory, Practicing Solidarity. Durham: Duke University Press, 2003.
Mudge, Alden. " Monica Ali: Second Act." Accessed 19. June 2014.
Poole, E. Reporting Islam: Media Representations of British Muslims. London : I.B. Tauris, 2002.
Procter, James. "New Ethnicities, the Novel, and the Burden of Representation." A Concise Companion to Contemporary British Fiction. Ed. James F. English. Oxford: Blackwell, 2006.
Sandapen, Sheila Françoise Theresa. "Being Black, Becoming British Contemporary Female Voices in Black British Literature." Indiana: University of Pennsylvania, 2009. Unpublished Dissertation.
Saskia, Sassen. Globalization and its Discontents. New York: New Press. 1998.
Tongur, A.Najat. "Rebellion: Second Generation Bangladeshi Immigrants in Brick Lane." The Journal of International Research. 2013. Vol. 6, issue: 26. P. 561-567.
Valman, Nadia. "The East End Bildungsroman from Israel Zangwill to Monica Ali." Wasafiri. 24:1. P. 3-8.
Wallace Nilsson, Margaret. "A Post-Colonial Study of Fact and
Fiction Fiction in Monica Ali’s Brick Lane." University of Kristianstad, 2010. Unpublished Thesis.
Winter, Brawyn and Susan Hawthorne. September 11, 2001 Feminist Perspectives. Melbourne: Spinifex Press Pty Ltd., 2002.
بحوث متفرقة
كيفية الاقتباس
The Status of Bangladeshi Immigrant Women and the Consequences of the Attacks of 9/11 in Monica Ali’s Brick Lane. (2019). لارك, 9(5).