Classification and evaluation of the soils of the Al-Deir area in Al-Aziziya district.
Soil - Al-Aziziyah – ClassificationAbstract
The study aims to classify and evaluate the soil in the Al-Deir area in Al-Aziziya District by analyzing its physical properties represented by soil texture, real and apparent soil density, porosity, and chemical properties represented by organic matter, soil salinity with exchangeable sodium, degree of soil interaction, exchangeable cationic capacity, and clarifying potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen as they are elements. The main food that determines the fertility level of the soil in the Al-Deir area in Al-Aziziya district. To achieve this, several samples were collected and physical and chemical analyzes were conducted. The study reached results with regard to the physical properties that the soil of the study area is of a clay-silty mixture in the river banks and a silty mixture in the soil of the floodplain, and the rest varied. Its characteristics: With regard to chemical properties, its results were in the presence of proportions of organic substances important for the plant. As for salinity, its proportions were low to moderate, and thus its impact on agricultural crops was limited. The soil of the study area was classified and evaluated based on the Belgian SYS method, specifically the productive capacity, and the results were that it falls within the low fertility range. Therefore, the study recommends paying attention to the soil, using correct tillage methods and modern irrigation methods, reducing the addition of chemical fertilizers to avoid the problem of salinity, and adding organic fertilizers and green manure to raise soil fertility and thus increase its productive capacity.
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Dora naia,The Role of Soli PH in plant Nutrition and Soli Remediation, Applied and Environ mental Soil science 2019.
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