The role of the principle of innocence in the scope of disciplinary penalties ( a comparative study )


  • Asst. Lect.Karrar Ali Al-Shammari University: Qom University College: College Of Law Department: Public Law
  • Professor Dr. Ruhallah Akrami University: Qom University College: College Of Law Department: Public Law



The principle of innocence - disciplinary penalties - administrative violations


The principle of innocence is the starting point on the basis of which various issues related to criminal procedures are addressed. On the one hand, it is a guarantee to protect the interest of the public employee against the control of the authority when a crime is presumed against him. On the other hand, if innocence is not presumed in the public employee, he is required to prove negative facts, which is Evidence that is often impossible to provide, with the result that he becomes unable to prove his innocence, which leads to him admitting his guilt even if there is no strong evidence against him. Consequently, the state of presuming the innocence of the accused has become an important principle that international conventions, constitutions and laws are proud to acknowledge, and this principle has become more than useful, and therefore the importance of the presumption of innocence of the public employee lies in its connection and connection to human rights and freedoms.


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How to Cite

Karrar Ali Al-Shammari , A. L., & Ruhallah Akrami, P. D. . (2024). The role of the principle of innocence in the scope of disciplinary penalties ( a comparative study ). Lark, 16(4 /Pt1), 1200-1172.