The Existance In The Poem (AL-Talaasum) of ILyia abu Madhi


  • Lect. Dr. Ezz El-Din Sakhi Khader Imam Al-Kadhim College of Islamic Sciences University Wasit divisions



The Existance. Disturbance, The Responsibility. Altamaahi. Abo-Madhi


  The present research is an attempt the question concerning existence in the poem of Al- Tallasm of the poet Ilya Abu Madhi. This question is embedded within each line of the poem. The  poem is a masterpiece , belonging to Arabic modern poems which discuss the theme of existence. Nevertheless, its sub- themes refer to issues associate with existence such as anxiety , sadness , loss and the attention of the responsibility…,etc.The poet goes further  in his poem which is named Al- Talasm , for the purpose of going deeply within the human spirit; and having very big and persistent questions of the existence, presented in poetic form as being an accurate tracking the impulses of human psyche associated with hopeless, noise,  suspension, fear and disturbance. The poem discusses the psyche as a being seeking for hope not an answer to reach a state of ecstasy by experiencing beauty and science together; which stands for the answer of the question of existence. Nonetheless,  the poet can create his poetry as a tool of revealing and an insight of the existentialism.  In every line is ended with “what I do not know “ which carries the notion of not carrying the characteristics of the non- achievement knowledge, however, the word knowledge has been existed within the term of (I don’t know) which, in turn, can be interpreted into (I know) as a key and invitation for thinking of the creator Allah and the fate of the spirit for facing its destiny.                                                                                         


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How to Cite

Ezz El-Din Sakhi Khader, L. D. . (2024). The Existance In The Poem (AL-Talaasum) of ILyia abu Madhi. Lark, 16(4 /Pt1), 45-26.