Gender between Quranic Understanding and Societal Understanding: A Critical Analytical Study with Islamic Educational Proposals


  • Dr. Ali Jawad Ali Abdul Karim Al-Moussawi Kut University College, Wasit



The term "gender" is a modern concept adopted by the United Nations in its conferences. This term emerged in the 1970s, with its primary cause rooted in the demand for women's rights, which were violated by both Eastern and Western societies. Many factors contributed to the emergence of gender (social roles), including some Western intellectuals who played an active role in the development of this deviant ideology and defended it under the slogan "the end justifies the means." Hence, our research, "Gender (Social Roles) Between Quranic Understanding and Societal Interpretation: A Critical Analytical Study with Islamic Educational Proposals," aims to confront this dangerous turning point, which leads to chaos within societies and fosters the erosion of ethics, values, and human principles, as well as education. This stands in opposition to all heavenly religions, especially Islam, which honors humanity and designates humans as God's vicegerents on earth. Islam has provided a straight path for people, guiding them from birth to death, and has given both men and women their rights, detailing their duties and defining their roles in life without allowing either party to transgress upon the other.


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How to Cite

Ali Jawad Ali Abdul Karim Al-Moussawi , D. . (2024). Gender between Quranic Understanding and Societal Understanding: A Critical Analytical Study with Islamic Educational Proposals. Lark, 16(4 /Pt1), 1152-1128.