The Representation of the Language of Faith in the Film God Will Come


  • Asst. Lect. Maitham Irani Mohammed Ali ALhasoun باحث
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Maitham Irani



الصور اللغوية في الفيلم السينمائي , لغة الايمان في السينما


Cinema is a powerful tool for conveying cultural, religious, and social ideas through screenplay, imagery, and sound. The film God Will Come serves as an example of movies that use cinematic symbols to express spiritual and religious ideas. This research aims to explore how the concept of faith is portrayed in the film. The importance of this study lies in gaining a deeper understanding of how cinema is used as a medium to express religious and cultural beliefs. Additionally, the research provides a new academic model for applying John Fiske's semiotic theory (Television Culture). The researchers employed the semiotic analysis method, which focuses on studying symbols, signs, and signals in media content. This method goes beyond analyzing written and spoken language, encompassing all types of signs, including gestures, sounds, images, and objects. The research sample consisted of scenes from the Iranian film God Will Come, with six scenes purposefully selected for analysis. The study reached several key findings, including the discovery that faith is depicted in multiple forms: faith in God and His power, faith in oneself, and faith in others. The film presents faith in social issues as well, such as a father's belief in his son's ability to handle responsibilities. The researchers also found an image of self-faith, as Mohsen demonstrates belief in his abilities by asking his father to allow him to hunt ducks. Moreover, the film depicts faith in hard work, as shown through Mohsen completing his household tasks. Finally, there is a portrayal of faith in God and reliance on Him, as the women encourage and support the sick woman to place her trust in God in enduring her illness.


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How to Cite

Maitham Irani Mohammed Ali ALhasoun , A. L., & Maitham Irani , A. P. D. (2024). The Representation of the Language of Faith in the Film God Will Come. Lark, 16(4 /Pt1), 1103-1074.