Geographic Analysis of the Characteristics of Infertile Females in the City of Kut (AStudy in Population Geography)


  • Asst. Prof. Amal Atiwi Abbas Wasit University /College of Arts



Infertility, primary infertility, secondary infertility.


Infertility is a health problem affecting couples of reproductive age worldwide, related to fertility issues and contributing to low pregnancy rates and poor reproductive health. Infertility differs from other diseases as it pertains to reproductive health, significantly impacting both men and women and posing a threat to this population group. Infertility is considered one of the factors that hinder societal development, which is why scientific and societal institutions are focusing on studying this issue and finding modern techniques and solutions to reduce it. Infertility has negative effects on the stability of a woman's marital life, which in turn affects family and societal stability. This study aims to uncover and analyze the key characteristics of infertile women in Al-Kut City and to understand the causes of infertility. The study was limited to a sample of 139 infertile women in Al-Kut City. It focused on both theoretical and analytical aspects to achieve the desired research outcomes and to provide recommendations for mitigating the negative effects of infertility. The research addresses the characteristics of women with primary and secondary infertility in Al-Kut City, including their demographic, social, and economic traits. It also discusses the causes of infertility among women and its negative impacts on married women. The study reached several conclusions, the most notable being the high percentage of women with primary infertility in the age group of 25–29 years, which accounts for 32% of the total infertile women in Al-Kut. The study also demonstrated the effect of consanguinity on female infertility in the city, and it found that most women with primary infertility come from middle-income households (250,000–500,000 IQD monthly). The study recommended increasing awareness among women about the factors leading to infertility, paying attention to reproductive health, promoting health education to prevent infertility risks, and providing comprehensive maternal healthcare services.



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How to Cite

Geographic Analysis of the Characteristics of Infertile Females in the City of Kut (AStudy in Population Geography). (2024). Lark, 16(4 /Pt1), 1073-1043.