Implication in descriptive poems, by the poet Ibn Hamdis as a choice.


  • Lect. Dr. Naji Hussein Makttoof Somar University



description, Implication, nature poetry, Ibn Hamdis.


Implication in Arabic poetry is one of the basic artistic tools used by poets to convey meanings and ideas indirectly, which has a significant impact on enriching the poetic text and increasing its depth and beauty, and all of these techniques can only be achieved through the language with which the poet formulates his poetic experience .

This research explores the Implication in the descriptive poems of the poet Ibn Hamdis Al-Andalusi, as the poet was able to employ it in his various poems that specialized in description. In an effort to convey his ideas and meanings indirectly in order to enrich the text and give it aesthetic depth and a semantic dimension, using language and its suggestive energies, the researcher sought to analyze and deconstruct poetic texts that contained the meaning of Implication after the poet added his rhetorical touch to them, believing that they were not merely means of expression. Rather, it is an artistic tool that demonstrated the poet’s ability, creativity, and the depth of his poetic experience.



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How to Cite

Naji Hussein Makttoof, L. D. . (2024). Implication in descriptive poems, by the poet Ibn Hamdis as a choice. Lark, 16(4 /Pt1), 67-46.