Mechanisms of cognitive analysis of discourse in the Russian language


  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Samer Akram Hussain Department of Russian Language, Faculty of Languages, University of Baghdad



Discourse, discourse analysis, communication, speech, text, knowledge


The term "discourse" appeared due to its entry into the field of supersyntax of various linguistic studies, i.e. beyond the sentences. Thus, discourse from the point of view of linguistics is a systematic unit of a certain sequence of sentences connected by meaning.

Active search for discourse structures similar to sentence structures so far has not led to significant theoretical generalizations due to the high complexity and multifaceted nature of the phenomenon under study.

However, the concept of discourse is firmly established in modern linguistics, displacing a similar concept of coherent speech, which was previously widely used in sociology, cultural studies, philosophy, political science and even psychoanalysis.

Linguistics, which analyzes discourse, is inseparable from language as a fundamental subject. Discourse should be understood as a new feature of linguistic manifestation since the end of the twentieth century (Stepanova, 1996:71). Language in the form of discourse has revealed its dynamic, regularly changing aspect to linguists. This, of course, requires the search for qualitatively new research methods. The high importance of the subject of this study is explained by this circumstance.

Scientific Modernity

The initial research in the field of discourse organization was recorded in the early fifties of the last century. Then the first scientific publications devoted to constructions that include more than one sentence or so-called “superunits” appeared.

This study is among the modern research on the subject of discourse, which has long become complex and precise, intertwined in all sciences.

Author Biography

  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Samer Akram Hussain , Department of Russian Language, Faculty of Languages, University of Baghdad

    تدريسي في قسم اللغة الروسية/كلية اللغات/ جامعة بغداد


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How to Cite

Samer Akram Hussain , A. P. D. . . (2024). Mechanisms of cognitive analysis of discourse in the Russian language. Lark, 16(4 /Pt1), 771-760.