Public relations communication activities in reducing the phenomenonof desertification in Iraq


  • Rese. Nisreen Mahdi Abdel Hussein University of Baghdad / College of Media / Department of Public Relations
  • Assist.Prof .Dr. Raya Qahtan Ahmed University of Baghdad / College of Media / Department of Public Relations



Public relations, communication activities, desertification phenomenon, Ministry of Water Resources.


The research aims to know the communication activities of public relations in the Ministry of Water Resources to address the phenomenon of desertification. It also aims to know the contents of the news that dealt with the phenomenon of desertification in the Ministry of Water Resources and the pictures and videos that dealt with it, and to know the forms of publications and the types of audiences to whom communication messages are directed, through analysis. To form the Ministry’s page using the method of comprehensive inventory of the Ministry’s publications during the period from 6/1/2023 to 8/31/2023, which is three months, and this period fits the specific study time for the research topic. To reach the research results, the researcher used the method (survey and interview), which aims to analyze the content. To reveal the communication activities used by public relations to reduce the phenomenon of desertification in Iraq.

The researcher reached a number of results, the most important of which are: - The most prominent communication activities that were dealt with by public relations in the ministry under study are television interviews, as they received interest rates. Television interviews in the Ministry of Water Resources came with a percentage of (34.95) and a frequency of (151), which The researcher explains that the Ministry of Water Resources paid attention on its page to the issue of desertification due to the scarcity of water in the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, which is attributed to the decrease in water shares received from Iraqi lands by the two neighboring countries, Iran and Turkey. The study also showed the extent of the interest of the Ministry in question in the phenomenon of desertification, if the extent of interest emerged. The Ministry of Water Resources increased significantly, as the number of its publications reached (432), and the study showed that advertisements received great attention in the Ministry of Water Resources, and the types of audience were topped by personal interviews in terms of audience interviews of Ministry officials with officials in other government institutions in the Ministry of Water Resources by a percentage (84.78) repeating (78) As for the meeting of ministry officials with farmers, the percentage was (13.04) repeating (12)


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How to Cite

Nisreen Mahdi Abdel Hussein , R., & Raya Qahtan Ahmed , A. .Dr. . (2024). Public relations communication activities in reducing the phenomenonof desertification in Iraq. Lark, 16(4 /Pt1), 555-522.