Ethics of journalistic work on social networking sites
ethics, journalistic work, social networking sitesAbstract
The development of social networking sites and the increasing use by journalists in the field of media publishing of various journalistic arts, personal opinions, and the transmission of various events and facts, which made it take on great importance to be an open arena for many journalists, writers, and users to publish their media productions. The research aimed to identify on ethics of journalistic work on social media platforms. The research problem for the current study was (what is the ethics of journalistic work on social networking sites) and The study used by the researcher reached this conclusion the descriptive approach of the survey study with The aim is to understand the relationship between different variables of the research topic
The search results were found ethics of journalistic work on social media sites is considered one of the basics of journalistic publishing among journalists, as the “Yes” category ranked first with a frequency of (27) and a percentage of (54%) of the total percentage (100%) The search results were found the ethics and etiquette of the journalistic profession also apply to publishing on social networking sites, where the “Yes” category took first place with a frequency of (34) and a percentage of (68%) of the total percentage 100%)
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