The impact of German digital diplomacy on Iraqi audience engagement through social media


  • Asst. Lect. Yahya Aboud Radini Al-Shammari University of Religions and Sects/Iran



Digital diplomacy, German digital diplomacy, audience interaction, social media.


The research aims to identify the extent of the impact of German digital diplomacy on the interaction of the Iraqi public through social media, and to know the extent of the cognitive, emotional and behavioral impact of German digital diplomacy on the interaction of the Iraqi public through social media. The researcher relied in this study on the quantitative survey method on a sample of the audience of Wasit Governorate, where the sample number reached (400) people of females and males. The researcher reached the following results: German digital diplomacy may play a role in improving relations between Germany and Iraq by enhancing mutual understanding and building stronger relationships through social media. Increasing cultural awareness through cultural and educational content, German digital diplomacy can help increase cultural awareness among the Iraqi public about Germany, including its culture and history. And exchanging knowledge and information, as digital diplomacy provides a platform for exchanging knowledge and information on issues of common interest, such as development, education, and innovation, which can enhance cooperation between the two countries.


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How to Cite

Yahya Aboud Radini Al-Shammari, A. L. . (2024). The impact of German digital diplomacy on Iraqi audience engagement through social media. Lark, 16(4 /Pt1), 460-437.