Characteristics of The performance of The mother character in Iraqi Children’s Theater performances
Performance, Mother, Theater, Childhood, Personality.Abstract
The child occupies a large space for those interested in the field of children’s theatre, because of what it means in terms of moving and developing the child’s mental abilities due to the performance, visual or musical embodiment he sees, full of exciting fantasy or heroic realism events that make him interact with them in terms of the play containing cartoon shapes, whether gloved or animated puppets. In the form of a character worn by the actor, and sometimes it is a real character (mother, father, brother, sister, etc.), these characters play an important role in conveying positive ideas, especially the character of the mother, as she is an important axis for the child’s inclination towards this character for life, emotional, and psychological considerations, and she is considered the child’s first educator.
The research was divided into four chapters. The first chapter includes the methodological framework based on the research problem: It asked what are the characteristics of the mother’s personality in children’s theater performances, as well as the importance and goal of the research, and then defining the terms (personality, children’s theater). As for the second chapter, it included the theoretical framework. The research consists of two sections by addressing the development of civilizations related to the mother’s personality and then explaining the psychological and social studies of the mother’s personality and its educational role in theater in the second section. The third chapter included the research procedures combined, chosen in an intentional manner, which is (the story of the lost pearls), and then the fourth chapter included the results. Research, discussion and conclusions.
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