The position of the United States of America on the movement of Rashid Ali al-Kilani 1941.


  • Asst. Prof. Dr. HAMEED ABO LOOL CHIBCHAB University of Misan College of Basic Education Historical Department
  • Asst. Lect. ZAHRAA ABBAS RADEEF University of Misan College of Basic Education Historical Department
  • Asst. Lect. Zahraa Jabr Warur University of Misan College of Basic Education Historical Department



The Four Colonels, USA, Iraq, MAES Movement


The research focuses on giving Clear picture of Mo The United States of America stopped Western interference in Iraq's internal affairs for several well-known reasons, the first of which was its geographical location and economic importance to the Middle East region. The United States of America, through its intelligence agencies, tried to support every activity and movement that tried to destabilize the successive governments in the country, including the Rashid Ali al- Kilani movement, or what is known as the Four Officers Movement, where the United States of America played a prominent role in eliminating the movement in cooperation with its ally, Britain .Where the researcher tries through the study Most important Events The politics that witnessed it Areas well as What is exposed Iraq was in a state of political tension on all political and economic levels, which was represented by the May 1941 movement.

Author Biography

  • Asst. Prof. Dr. HAMEED ABO LOOL CHIBCHAB, University of Misan College of Basic Education Historical Department

    Prof. Hamid Abulol Gebjab

    PhD in Modern and Contemporary History

    Teaching at the University of Maysan - College of Nursing

    Lecturer at the College of Basic Education / Department of History


    • Studies in the thought of the martyr Amjad Al-Dahamat
    • The Turkish-Iranian conflict and its regional and international dimensions
    • Research published in world-class journals Scopus No. 2
    • Iraq and Turkey Study in political Relations1980-1988
    • The United States of America and Political Alliances in the Middle East 1935-1950


    And a number of research published in local journals

    Participant in several international and local conferences and workshops, including

    Workshop at Oxford University (New Developments in the Humanities)

    He published several political articles on several international, Arab and local websites, including:

    Al-Muthaqaf newspaper for his article “Extremism and Extremism and its Impact on Society”


    And Al-Hiwar Al-Madden newspaper for his article “The United States of America, Iran and the Role of the Mediator” and other articles.

    Presented many workshops, seminars and training courses

    Received more than 30 letters of thanks and appreciation from various government institutions and civil society organizations


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How to Cite

HAMEED ABO LOOL CHIBCHAB, A. P. D. ., ZAHRAA ABBAS RADEEF, A. L., & Zahraa Jabr Warur, A. L. (2024). The position of the United States of America on the movement of Rashid Ali al-Kilani 1941. Lark, 16(4 /Pt1), 270-253.