The Political Philosophy of the Brethren of Purity in Contemporary Arab Thought


  • Rese Ayat Saad Miser Alikhaan Waist University College of Arts



: Brethren of Purity, politics, physical politics, psychological politics, politics of associates, contemporary Arab thought


The Brethren of Purity and the Companions of Eloquence are a secret esoteric group consisting of a collection of thinkers who lived in Basra during the second half of the fourth century AH (10th century CE). Their ideology had a philosophical and political inclination, with a Shi'i (Ismaili) inclination. They concealed their identities and names, using symbolism, allusion, gestures, and conciseness in their works. Their ultimate goal was to reconcile religion and philosophy, as affirmed in their works known as the Epistles of the Brethren of Purity and the Companions of Eloquence. These works comprised fifty-two epistles divided into four sections, discussing various ideas and sciences. These ideas have remained relevant to this day, as they have been studied and adopted by many contemporary Arab thinkers and researchers in Arab thought.


. رسائل أخوان الصفا وخلان ألوفا /الجزء الرابع

أخوان الصفا ,موسوعة ستانفورد للفلسفة ,ت/سارة المديفر ص35

جامعة الجامعة ,تحقيق /عارف تامر /منشورات دار مكتبة الحياة /بيروت ,لبنان

عمر فروخ ,أخوان الصفا /الطبعة الثانية /منشورات مكتبة ميمنة بيروت لبنان

محمد فريد الحجاب ,الفلسفة السياسية عند أخوان الصفا /تقديم .عز الدين فوده /الهيئة المصرية للكتاب /1982

جبور عبد النور .أخوان الصفا /دار المعارف بيروت

نهاوند علي العلوي ,أفكار السياسة عند جون لوك , لارك للفلسفة واللسانيات والعلوم الاجتماعية /العدد 24 /سنة 2017 ,691


Epistles of the Brethren of Purity / Part Four

The Brethren of Purity, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, translated by Sarah Al-Medaifer, p. 35

University of the University, Edited by Arif Tamer, Publications of Dar Maktabat al-Hayat, Beirut, Lebanon

Umar Farroukh, The Brethren of Purity / Second Edition, Publications of Maimuna Bookstore, Beirut, Lebanon

Muhammad Farid al-Hajjab, The Political Philosophy of the Brethren of Purity, Introduction by Izzeddin Fouad, The Egyptian General Book Authority, 1982

Jabur Abd al-Nour, The Brethren of Purity, Dar al-Maaref, Beirut


Epistles of the Brethren of Purity / Part Four

The Brethren of Purity, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, translated by Sarah Al-Medaifer, p. 35

University of the University, Edited by Arif Tamer, Publications of Dar Maktabat al-Hayat, Beirut, Lebanon

Umar Farroukh, The Brethren of Purity / Second Edition, Publications of Maimuna Bookstore, Beirut, Lebanon

Muhammad Farid al-Hajjab, The Political Philosophy of the Brethren of Purity, Introduction by Izzeddin Fouad, The Egyptian General Book Authority, 1982

Jabur Abd al-Nour, The Brethren of Purity, Dar al-Maaref, Beirut




How to Cite

Ayat Saad Miser Alikhaan , R. (2024). The Political Philosophy of the Brethren of Purity in Contemporary Arab Thought. Lark, 16(4 /Pt1), 749-737.