Economic Cooperation between Pakistan and China 1972-1976


  • Assist. Lect. Noha Fadel Abdel Hassan University of Maysan - College of Education
  • Asst. Prof. Dr.Fahd Awaid Al-Baeiji College of Education for Human Sciences/Waist University



Pakistan-China relations are a model of ideal relations between the two countries, and a different political and economic system, The exchange of interests and friendship that has arisen since the 1950s has continued, promising a permanent feature of their bilateral relations, Both countries demonstrated a great understanding of foreign policy objectives and adopted mutually supportive positions on key regional and international issues. These relationships have withstood many tests, and the economic aspect has been one of those aspects. Pakistan has become one of China's most important aid recipients. trade between border areas has rebounded, and China has extended the repayment time of loans granted to Pakistan Chinese companies have managed to overcome social, cultural and commercial disparities, Pakistan has granted many investment projects in favour of China such as Sandak Copper and Gold Project However, the volume of trade remained limited, In particular, the two countries were facing internal and external political challenges The business side didn't measure up their support for armaments or political issues.


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How to Cite

Noha Fadel Abdel Hassan, A. L. ., & Fahd Awaid Al-Baeiji, A. P. D. (2024). Economic Cooperation between Pakistan and China 1972-1976. Lark, 16(4 /Pt1), 322-304.