Italo Calvino's critical vision of the historical and rebellious figures
The historical character is one of the difficult issues that a novelist deals with, due to the historical data they possess and their overwhelming presence due to their fame. Employing such characters in literary works requires the writer to have a good knowledge of historical events, as well as the ability to rephrase these events by blending them with imagination to influence the audience. It is not necessary for the events in the literary work to match the conventional image of the historical character, and this is where the writer's craftsmanship lies. Italo Calvino incorporated many historical characters in most of his novels. His characters express what he attempts to convey by linking the real world he lives in with the imaginative world he fuels with his visions when dealing with these characters. In his works, he brings forth various characters, including religious, political, and historical ones, and tries to use them to present the ideas and perceptions he holds about these religious groups in his society, critiquing them and the work they do. He summoned these characters and groups to illustrate the crisis the society was experiencing at that time and the differences between its religious sects. Calvino wanted to express the country's crisis and the tyranny characterized by the ruling authority by embodying these characters. When an individual's freedom is diminished or threatened, they begin to find a way to confront reality and adopt a rebellious approach. Calvino's rebellious characters reflected the emotional state caused by the strict laws imposed by the authoritarian figure, whether from the family or society. These rebellious characters exemplified the actual situation on all levels
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