The unification of divinity among the theological sects of the Mu’tazilites, Imamis, and Ash’aris is an example


  • Asst. Lect. Shaima Hadi Ibrahim Majeed Al-Mustansiriya University/College of Education M. Rehabilitation, Employment and Follow-up Unit



monotheism, deism, sect, theism.


Our study was based on clarifying the concept of divinity among the Islamic sects, without being limited to a single group. It was necessary to clarify the meaning of divinity in language and terminology, and the meaning of monotheism in language and terminology as well, while researching the requirements of monotheism of divinity. The process of research and study was also carried out in the fields of the Mu’tazila team first, and the five principles. From which their concept of monotheism began, and how it relied on the monotheism between the Divine Essence and its attributes.

Moving to the Imamis, we notice that the monotheism of divinity according to this group started from the monotheism of God Almighty in all aspects, that is, the essence, attributes, and worship. Monotheism is the first foundation of religion for them, and levels branched out from it. Likewise, the Ash’aris went to clarify the monotheism of divinity in their beliefs, which they expressed by not contradicting them. Due to the meeting of the four imams (Hanafi, Al-Maliki, Al-Shafi’I, and Al-Hanbali) and they affirmed the oneness of God Almighty in their monotheism of divinity, the study began by clarifying the meaning of each group and then clarifying the point of view of each group regarding the meanings of the monotheism of divinity.


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How to Cite

Shaima Hadi Ibrahim Majeed, A. L. (2024). The unification of divinity among the theological sects of the Mu’tazilites, Imamis, and Ash’aris is an example. Lark, 16(4 /Pt1), 769-750.