The Effect of The SCAMPERS Strategy on the Achievement and Creative Thinking of General Psychology among students in Colleges of Basic Education
SCAMPER) strategy, achievement, creative thinking, basic education collegesAbstract
The current research aims to identify "the effect of SCAMPER strategy on achievement and creative thinking in the subject of general psychology among students of basic education colleges. To achieve this, the researcher adopted an experimental design with partial control, which is the control group design. The researcher chose the University of Wasit / College of Basic Education. The number of first-year classes in the Arabic Language Department was two classes. The researcher chose this sample using the random sample method, as it consisted of an experimental group consisting of 20 male and female students who studied general psychology using the SCAMPER strategy, and a control group consisting of 20 male and female students who studied in the traditional way. After the researcher identified the scientific material that was expected to be studied in the experiment, he formulated the behavioral objectives and developed the teaching plans, and models of them were presented to experts before they were approved in their final form. The researcher formulated his test paragraphs and presented them to experts to choose what suits his research and modify what needs to be modified to represent the research tool. Based on that, the researcher prepared a test to measure achievement and creative thinking of the choice type by distributing them over the six levels of Bloom's cognitive taxonomy.
After the end of the test, which lasted for a full semester, the researcher applied the tool to the research sample and used the statistics bag. As for the final results, they were:
-The results showed a statistically significant difference between the averages of the two groups in favor of the experimental group in achievement that studied according to the SCAMPER strategy.
-The results showed a statistically significant difference between the averages of the two groups in favor of the experimental group in creative thinking that studied according to the SCAMPER strategy.
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