prouer .plato al-shirazi .the abstract worldAbstract
Mulla sadr al-Dinadds Al shirazi,(1640-1572)(1050-980)
takes apositon in support of what plato believes in the theory of the ideal, but the disagrees with it on premises first which are the mental images in the knowledge of God according to plato .As for Hefilled his chest , entering into the knowledge of cod Almighty .
Secondly, the levels of existence according to plato are two: the ideas and the sense ,while sadr al-Din adds the equiralent of "bam"to become , respectively ,the divine presence of mind and the good ideal, which is by ading the muslim to the platonic understandings of the idea after adopting it in terms of origin.
Likewise, in the theory of the ideal according to plato, it is thought or the abstract mind , but according to the source of the necessary existen , and also based on the theary of the ideal according to shirazi, the necessary existence is ancient and its attributes are the same as its essence whereas according to patio, it attributes are necessary other than itself and ther are multiple ancients
Abstract thougt and reason have no relation to the world of matter according to plato.
The reasson for that world is in the world of money and the world of ideals is linked to abstract action
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