A Contrastive Study of the Verb “Make” in Selected English and Arabic Religious Texts


  • Asst. Prof. Zainab Hussein Alwan University of Kerbala




الفعل " جَعَلَ "، دراسة مقارنة، فعل ذو معاني متعددة، نصوص دينية، الابعاد اللغوية.


To be determined by the context, the verb make is considered one of the multi- meaning verbs which conveys several meanings. Picking out the appropriate meaning of the verb make is a problem. The current study is restricted to analyze various linguistic manifestations of the verb make in English and Arabic. It is also confined with showing points of similarity and difference between the two languages in their uses of the verb make in some selected religious texts. It is hypothesized that "make" in English is tactful and diplomatic while in Arabic is solemn and unflattering.  It is suggested that "make" has an appreciative meaning in one language and a passive one in another.  It is also expected that linguistic structure plays a role in determining the suitable meaning of "make" in both languages.

     The findings show that "make" in Arabic texts is more powerful than English "make" which tends to be passionate and tenderness. It is capable of mimicking human emotions and able to coexist with bitterness of reality. It is also concluded that there is a positive correlation between tenses of the verb "make", in both languages, and the idea concerned.


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How to Cite

Zainab Hussein Alwan, A. P. . (2024). A Contrastive Study of the Verb “Make” in Selected English and Arabic Religious Texts. Lark, 16(4 /Pt1), 805-782. https://doi.org/10.31185/lark.3563