The Role of the Social Worker in Addressing Academic Learning Difficulties Among Primary School Students: A Descriptive Study of Some Schools in the Mada'in Education District"
: Social Worker, Academic Learning DifficultiesAbstract
Learning difficulties in children are significant issues that require the knowledge and expertise of teachers, social workers, or educational counselors during the early years of primary education. Neglecting these difficulties can lead to academic failure and hinder students who struggle with learning challenges (such as reading, writing, and arithmetic) from keeping up with their peers. This research will focus on the role of the social worker in addressing academic learning difficulties among students in the early stages of primary school. As an expert in mental and social health within the school community, the social worker's role extends beyond assisting students and resolving their issues within the school. It includes providing psychological and social support to both students and teachers by offering guidance and counseling on any social or psychological issues faced by either group.
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DOI: 10.31185/lark.Vol2.Iss45.2119
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