Integrating women's topics into multimedia health awareness advertisementsAn analytical study on advertisements of the Iraqi Ministry of Health


  • Assist. Prof. Dr. khalaf kareem altimimiy Wasit University /College of Arts/Department of Media



women's integration, advertisements, health awareness, multimedia



The field of electronic advertising has witnessed a major theoretical transformation and revolution. It began to reconsider many old models and forms of advertising, as well as creating new models that need to be applied and tested. These changes are due to simultaneous technological developments. Hence, we consider this research paper important because it helps us understand these matters. Developments and investing in the features and advantages of communication technology in the integration of Iraqi women into effective health awareness advertisements in society in particular and other societies in general.

   The new media's provision of the possibility of employing multimedia (text, image, video, sound, graphics) in health awareness advertisements has given electronic advertising its true meaning as a type of communication awareness pattern in society.

   The influence of the Internet and its services have become effective in all fields, as the Internet has expanded the volume of media studies, including (advertising) studies. There are many research topics that are rich in examination and testing, which must be examined because of their positive or negative effects on the work of the media profession, and among these fields is How to integrate women into health awareness advertisements.

   The research paper seeks to answer the following questions: What are the areas of women’s integration into health awareness advertisements via multimedia addressed on the Iraqi Ministry of Health website?

The research paper aims to reveal areas of women’s integration in health awareness advertisements via multimedia on the Iraqi Ministry of Health website.

The researchers employ the descriptive method of analytical study on the research population and its sample consisting of the comprehensive inventory method for the advertisements "of the Iraqi Ministry of Health and Environment" from the period 1/9/2022 to  1/2/2023. The choice of this period was in the hands of covering all the advertisements for women in the Iraqi Ministry of Health and Environment, which are diverse and different. Within three full months to find out the most common appeals and methods used to integrate women into preventive health advertisements.




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Conference of the Department of Media at the College of Arts, University of Wasit

How to Cite

khalaf kareem altimimiy, A. P. D. (2024). Integrating women’s topics into multimedia health awareness advertisementsAn analytical study on advertisements of the Iraqi Ministry of Health. Lark, 16(2 pt 2), 17-1.