Emotional Inhibition Among Middle School Students


  • Asst.Prof. Dr. Dhurgham Ridha Abed Al-sayed Wasit University College: College of Education for Human Sciences




Emotional inhibition for middle school students


The research for the current selection aims to:-

1_The level of emotional inhibition among university students

2_ The significance of the difference in emotional suppression according to gender (males_females)

3_ Identify the strength and direction of emotional suppression among university students

To achieve the goal of the current research, the descriptive survey research method was used, which is one of the most widespread and approved methods in the educational and psychological literature. The innovation of the current research was chosen in a language-based manner with a sample size of (40) students.

A researcher based on the scale (Taleb, 2013), which consists of (19) items, and after obtaining the psychometric results. The scale, building the scales in its emerging form, consists of (19) items, and after applying it to the research archive, the monthly extension of the university.

In light of this, it was concluded that the emotional level of the university application is represented by (19) items.


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Sociology & psy

How to Cite

Dhurgham Ridha Abed Al-sayed , A. D. (2024). Emotional Inhibition Among Middle School Students. Lark, 16(2 pt1), 502-478. https://doi.org/10.31185/lark.3473