The Role of Social Media platforms in Spreading Political Awareness Among Iraqi University Students and Its Relationship to Encouraging Political Engagement


  • Dr. Maytham Falih Hussein University: Wasit University College: College of Arts



social networking sites, political participation, university students, political awareness


Field study A study on a sample of Wasit University students. The problem of the study is determined in: The role of using social communication in motivating Wasit University students to political participation. The study relied on the intentional sample survey method, and on the questionnaire tool to collect data and information for the study. The study reached the results issued by it that social communication contributes to the formation of the attitudes of the respondents and motivates them to participate in the elections. Follow the pages and channels of political activists through social networks, which is what stimulates social communication, which is what I sent to participate in demonstrations and marches as a form of Forms of independent political participation, in addition to the fact that social communication contributed to the development of the respondents' awareness of issues related to this system, the previous reference, the Iraqi, the political annex, since the government.


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Conference of the Department of Media at the College of Arts, University of Wasit

How to Cite

Maytham Falih Hussein , D. (2024). The Role of Social Media platforms in Spreading Political Awareness Among Iraqi University Students and Its Relationship to Encouraging Political Engagement. Lark, 16(2 pt 2), 325-304.