Schreibtechnik der deutschen Kurzgeschichte. Der Hundetraum als Beispiel
Leonard Thomas - the short story - writing technique - features of the short story - a comparative studyAbstract
This research considers short story writing techniques. The story (The Dream of Dogs) by Leonard Touma is a model that deals with research and study the most important features of the short story and the speed of its spread. This literary genre has achieved widespread in literary circles due to many factors, including the shortness of the story, the direct involvement in the events, and the lack of people in it. The research deals with the writer Leonard Thomas and the well-known story (The Dream of Dogs). This story spread rapidly, not only in Germany, but throughout the world. Part of the research touched on the techniques that Thomas used, which distinguished him from other authors and writers. Thomas excelled in simplicity of expression and did not delve into the complexities of rhetoric and other language. The research is an in-depth study of the techniques adopted globally in writing this important literary genre.
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