Relational adjectives and their types in Syraic and Hebrew
Syriac language - Hebrew language - morphology - lineageAbstract
This research sheds light on one of the linguistic topics in general, and morphology in particular, which is the subject of "lineage". This research shows the concept of "lineage", its types, and ways of formulating it in the two Semitic languages: Syriac and Hebrew. Where the comparative approach was adopted in the study of this morphological linguistic subject and showing the similarities and differences in the nature of this type of vocabulary, i.e. the attributed names, in the two languages: Syriac and Hebrew. The research indicates that there are several types of lineage, such as: traditional lineage, self-lineage, semi-self lineage, and others, as the research indicates what each type of lineage is and the characteristics of each. The research also refers to the mechanisms by which the attributed names are formulated and compared in the Syriac and Hebrew languages by morphologically analyzing them and indicating the similarities and differences between them. In addition to an indication of the abnormal formulas of proportions, as well as the reference to the changes that occur, sometimes, to the morphological construction of the attributed words after adding the sign of proportions to them. And then comes at the conclusion of this research the most important conclusions reached by the researcher.
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