Intellectual and Technical Dimensions of the Human Environment in the Works of Graphic Artists
Keywords:( Environment, Intellectual & Technical, Graphics)Abstract
This research conducts an analytical exploration of the human environment, both intellectually and technically, within the realm of graphic artists utilizing computer programs and diverse technological approaches. The study addresses the research problem, hypotheses, significance, objectives, methodology, and reviews related studies. The initial chapter delves into the human environment and graphic arts, while the subsequent chapter navigates the intellectual and technical aspects in graphic design. The third chapter outlines research procedures, followed by results, recommendations, and references.
Modern technology, particularly advancements in computer programs, has unlocked new frontiers for artistic creativity and innovation in the visual arts. Artists urgently embrace these programs, producing contemporary graphic works that articulate their ideas and achieve self-realization through previously unavailable capabilities. Computers play a pivotal role in contemporary life, impressing the world with contributions to inspiration, dissemination, and human thought development.
Visual artists, early adopters of computer potential, benefit from its diverse capabilities, utilizing self-developed skills to capture ideas. The computer excels at precise tasks, offering a vast color palette, smoothly moving lines, accurate measuring tools, and a malleable visual memory for easy creation of new, complex formulations. Artists effectively steer this technology to serve their artistic goals, yielding diverse and unique creations.
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