The Motherland Party and its role in the municipal elections 1984-1989


  • Lect. Dr. Ali Ismail Zaidan Al-Jubouri Dyala University



party_municipal elections.



The Motherland Party, as a fundamental pillar in Turkish political life, managed to control the government and presidency for nearly a decade, due to lack of competitors. One of the key foundations during the rule of the Motherland Party was municipal councils. Between 1984-1989, the party gained control over the majority of Turkish municipalities, playing a significant role in solidifying its political strength.

The research comprises an introduction and three sections, discussing the 1980 coup and the establishment of the Motherland Party in the first section, the party’s role in the 1984 municipal elections in the second section, and the Motherland Party’s impact on the 1989 municipal elections in the third section.


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How to Cite

Ali Ismail Zaidan Al-Jubouri, L. D. (2024). The Motherland Party and its role in the municipal elections 1984-1989 . Lark, 16(2 pt1), 203-190.