العقوبة السالبة للحرية في الشريعة الاسلامية
https://doi.org/10.31185/lark.3354الكلمات المفتاحية:
لعقوبة السلبية، الواقع، العدم غير المتوقعالملخص
ان الأحكام الشرعية هي وسائل الى غايات مقاصدية( (أبو المنذر ، 2011م) ، وأساسها جاءت لجلب المنافع ودرء المفاسد , فإذا تعارضت مفسدة ومصلحة، فدفعُ المفسدة وإزالتها مقدّمٌ في الغالب على جلب المنفعة (السبكي، 1991م) ، إلّا أنْ تكون المفسدة مغلوبةً ؛ فالعناية بترك المنهيات أشدُّ من فعل المأمورات، لِمَا يترتب على المناهي من الضرر المنافي لحكمة الشارع في النهي( (علي جمعة، 2001م)) ؛ وفي حال اجتماع المفاسد فان امكن درؤها درأناها ، وان تعذر درأنا الأفسد فالأفسد ، وان تساوت نتوقف أو نتخير وان اختلفت فالمصالح الشرعية تكمن في طريقين هما : الطريق الإيجابي : جلب المصالح ، ويراد به ( ايجاد الوسائل الايجابية لتحصيل المقصد الشرعي واستمرار بقائه ، أي المحافظة عليه من حيث الانشاء والبقاء) ( (الكبيسي و 2016م))، وهذا يتمثل بالأمور الأساسية لديموميه الحياة البشرية من ضروريات وما يتعلق بها من تكميليات ، والطريق السلبي : دفع المضار من جانبين (جانب العدم المتوقع : وهو تشريع القوانين المحذرة من المساس واستمراره، بتحريم الاعتداء عليه ، وهو احتراس مما يحتمل أن يقع على المقصد من اخلال . أما جانب العدم الواقع : فيعني أنه متى ما حصل اعتداء فأن تلك التشريعات– من قصاص وحدود–ستنفذ في حق الجاني حفظًا على المقصد الشرعي...) (الكبيسي و 2016م) ، وهذا ما يطلق عليه بالعقوبات السالبة للحرية بتضييق الخناق على كل من تسول له نفسه الاعتداء على حق الغير ، وهذا ما سنتطرق اليه في هذا البحث الذي قسمته على مبحثين ، ثم خاتمة وذكر المصادر والمراجع ، وبالله نستعين .
. - Seen: The Great Explanation, By Abu Al-Munther Al-Minyawi - Egypt, I1, 1432 Ah - 2011 AD, 214.
. . Likenesses and analogues, for the plumber, 1/105; likenesses and analogues, for the Sioux, 1/145; and likenesses and isotopes, for the son of Najim, 78.
. - Considers: Brief in clarifying the rules of total jurisprudence, 265;
. - Seen: The Great Rules, by Izz Bin Abdeslam, 1/130.
. - Science of the Purposes of Sharia, by Dr. Bashir Al-Kubaisi, 51.
. - Same source, 51.
. - Seen: Dictionary of contemporary Arabic, Ahmed Mukhtar Abdul Hamid, Book World, I1, 1429 Ah, 2/1524.
. - Royal Provisions, Abu Al-Hassan Ali bin Mohammed Al-Mardi, Publisher: Dar al-Hadith, Cairo, 1/325.
. - Looking: Al-Sahah Taj al-Linq, Abu Nasr Ismail bin Hammad Al-Jawhari, Investigation: Ahmed Abdul Ghafoor Attar, Dar al-Alam for Millions - Beirut, I4, 1407 Ah - 1987 A.D., 1/148.
. - The canons of the manufactures in the order of the canons, Aladdin, Abu Bakr bin Massoud al-Kasani, publisher: House of Scientific Books, T2, 1406 Ah - 1986 AD, 7/174.
. - The reasons for the fall of the negative punishment of freedom in Islamic jurisprudence and Algerian law, Massoud Fachit, University of Algeria, Issue 09, Part 1, 92.
. - On the problems of the negative punishment of freedom, Burhan Amrallah, Magazine of The Management of Government Cases - Egypt, Issue 4.2.
. - Science of the Purposes of Sharia, by Dr. Bashir Al-Kubaisi, 51.
. - Considers: The laws of the manufactures in the order of the canons, by Aladdin Al-Kasani, The House of Scientific Books - Beirut, i:2, 1406 Ah- 1986, 7/33; and the projections of punishment, by Hashim Abdoun, 66.
. - Surat al-Cowa: From verse 187.
. - Seen: The Tongue of the Arabs, 2/799, the end in the strange talk and the effect, of The Glory of Religion Abi Al-Suadat, investigation: Taher Ahmed- Mahmoud Mohammed, Scientific Library - Beirut, 1399 Ah - 1979, 1/352.
. - The River Complex in the commentary of the Sailing Forum, by Ibrahim bin Mohammed al-Halabi, Investigation: Khalil Omran, House of Scientific Books - Lebanon, T1, 1419 Ah - 1998, 1/331.
. - Considers: Punishments in Islamic jurisprudence, Ahmed Fathi Behnessy, Dar al-Shorouk, (D.I.), 1403 Ah- 1983, 123.
. - Surat al-Fath: Verse: 9. Investigators, D.I.: 13/23
. - Jurisprudence of the Year, for a former master, the Arab Book House- Beirut, i/3, 1397 Ah-1977, 2/589.
. - Considers: Punishments in Islamic jurisprudence, Ahmed Fathi Bahnsi, Dar al-Shorouk, (D.I.), 1403 Ah, 123.
. . Considers: Criminal Legislation, by Abdelkader Odeh: 1/632; and the projections of punishment for Hashim Abdoun, 66.
. - Seen: The End of the Needy, Shams al-Din Al-Ramli, Dar al-Fikr-Beirut, (D.I.), 1404 Ah, 8/20.
. - General principles in the Penal Code, Ali Hussein al-Khalaf, Sultan al-Shawi, 413-415.
. - Total, nuclear, 20/39.
. - True Bukhari, Door / What is stated in the vacation news one, 6/2650, number: 6832.
. - Sinan al-Tarmadi, Bab/ Ward off the border, 4/33, No. 1424, the Governor said: (This is a true talk of attribution and did not get it out), the right-turned-turned-turner, for the Governor of Nisapuri, Bab/Sharbel Ben Os, 4/426, No. 8163.
. - Looking: The Salkin Approach, by Abdul Rahman al-Saadi, presented to him: Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, Dar al-Watan, I1, 1421 Ah-2000 AD, 1/239.
. - True Muslim, Bab/Hadd al-Zini, 5/119, No. 4450.
. - Surat al-Nour: From verse 2.
. - Seen: Approvals, For Al-Shatabi, 2/20;
. - Looking: Fath al-Qadeer, Kamal al-Din Mohammed bin Al-Hammam, Dar al-Fikr, (D: I, T), 5/212, suspicions and their impact on criminal punishment, by Mansour Mohammed Al-Hafnawi, 1/197-198.
. - Surat al-Jathiya: Verse 21.
. - Considers: Islamic Criminal Legislation, by Abdelkader Odeh, 2/638-639.
. - Seen: Singer, son of Imama, 9/147-148.
. - Seen: Mother, Shafi'i, 4/312;
. - Seen: The Simplic, for The Serkhsi, 9/199.
. - Considered: Supervision 4/184-185.
. - Seen: Singer of the Needy, Sharbini, 4/177, Singer, Son of Imama, 9/113.
. - Seen: The manufactures of manufactures, for cassani, 7/84.
. - Seen: Doctrinal Laws, Ibn Jizya, 236.
. - Surat al-Women: Verse 29
. - Looking: Neil Al-Otar, Mohammed bin Ali bin Mohammed bin Abdullah al-Shawkani, Investigation: Issam al-Din Al-Sabibati, Dar al-Hadith, Egypt, T1, 1413 Ah - 1993, 8/349.
. - Sahih Bukhari, Bab/ For the right holder article, 2/845.
. - Aoun al-Ma'ud explains the sinn abu Daoud, along with the footnote of Ibn al-Qayyam: Tahseeb Sinan Abu Daoud and explain his ills and problems, Mohammed Ashraf bin Amir bin Ali bin Haidar, Dar al-Suri al-Suri, Beirut, I2, 1415 Ah, 9/140.
. - Sura al-Cowa: From verse 283.
. - Seen: Choice for the explanation of the chosen, 5/5, the footnote of Ibn Abedin, 6/628, the great explanation with the footnote of Desouki, 4/296-298, the cheerful explanation of the masterpiece, 2/370, the halves, 10/149.
. - Surat al-Women: From Verse 103
. . - Seen: Local, 11/376-380, Singer, 2/329, Total, 3/18-19, The Great Commentary of The Monastery, 1/181-191, The Entourage of Ibn Abedin, 1/352.
. Narrated by a Muslim in his true, section/statement that the prohibition of vice is from faith, that faith increases and decreases, and that the command of virtue and the prohibition of vice is obligatory, 1/69, number: 49.
. Narrated by Bukhari in Saheh, Bab/Throwing Fortified, 8/175, Number: 6857, directed by a Muslim in His True, Bab/Bayan al-Kabaer and the largest, 1/92, number: 89.
. Considers: Rules of Judgment, Ezz bin Abdul Salam, 1/102.
. Surat al-Table: From verse 2.
. Seen: Rounding, 1/66, Illuminating Lamp, 1/208.
. Seen: Local, 10/359.
. Seen: The foresight of the rulers, 2/162.
. Sinan Al-Daratani, 3/103.
. Seen: The Footnote of Ibn Abedin, 4/104, The Footnote of Desouki on the Dardir, 4/333.
. Surat al-Hajrat: Verse 6.
. Boot, 3/5, Bowl Provisions, Mordi, 248..
الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 Asst. Lecturer ANOUD MADLOOL SBAHN

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