الإعجاز في فكر المستشرقين
https://doi.org/10.31185/lark.3346الكلمات المفتاحية:
الإعجاز ، الفكر ، المستشرقينالملخص
في ظل الحديث عن آراء المستشرقين في إعجاز القرآن الكريم، لا بد لنا بداية أن نبين موقف المستشرقين من علوم القرآن بشكل عام، لنصل إلى بيان آرائهم في إعجاز القرآن الكريم، وذلك بالوقوف عند أهم الشبهات المطروحة عن الإعجاز القرآني ومناقشتها مناقشة علمية
Ubadah bin Ayyub al-Kubaisi. Look carefully at the openings of the surahs. Journal of Islamic Studies. - Volume 25, No. 2 (1410 AH). - pp. 5 - 42. And see, Al-Fattah Atiya Yunus. The secret of the miracle of the Holy Qur’an is in the openings of the surahs. - Manar Al-Islam. - Volume 5 (5/1409 AH - 12/1988 AD).
_ Saeed Alloush (contemporary); Components of comparative literature in the Arab world;
. Focke, Johann (d. 1394 AH); History of the Orientalist movement.
. Al-Zanjani, Abu Abdullah (d. 1360 AH); History of the Qur’an.
Muhammad Fouad Abdel Baqi (d. 1388 AH); The indexed dictionary of the words of the Qur’an.
Gold Tziher (d. 1340 AH); Doctrines of interpretation.
Regis Blacher (d. 1393 AH); Introduction to the Qur’an.
Gustave Le Bon (d. 1350 AH); Arab civilization; C1.
Al-Sassi, Salem Al-Hajj (d. 1419 AH); The Orientalist phenomenon and its impact on Islamic studies; C1.
Karl Brockelmann (d. 1376 AH); History of Islamic peoples; C1.
Casanova, Paul (d. 1345 AH); Muhammad and the end of the world.
Al-Sassi, Salem Al-Hajj (d. 1419 AH); The Orientalist phenomenon and its impact on Islamic studies; C1.
Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq (d. 1442 AH); Islam in Orientalist thought.
Ibrahim Khalil Al-Ahmad (contemporary); Orientalism and evangelization.
. Al-Fattah, Irfan Abdul Hamid (d. 1428 AH); Orientalists and Islam.
Louis Bernard (d. 1440 AH); Arabs in history.
. 17 Muhammad Khalifa Hassan (contemporary); Studies of the Holy Qur’an among Orientalists in the light of the science of biblical criticism.
Al-Balaghi, Muhammad Jawad (d. 1328 AH); Guidance to the religion of the Chosen One; C1.
Adnan Al-Wazzan (contemporary); The position of the Orientalists on the Holy Qur’an, a study in some Western circles of knowledge.
Al-Saraib, Mahmoud Ali (contemporary); The Holy Qur’an in Orientalist Studies - A Critical Evaluative Study.
.21Al-Tabatabai, Muhammad Baqir Mohsen Al-Hakim (d. 1424 AH): Sciences of the Qur’an.
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