The Impact of Utilizing Digital Tools (Technology) for Achieving Educational Excellence


  • Lect. Amer Kareem hadal wasit university
  • Asst. Lect Alaa Sabah Muhammad Waist university_college of Education for Pure Sciences



digital tools and educational excellence


The educational system is no longer the sole player with a crucial role in the field of education; rather, technology and media have become formidable competitors to schools. Technology goes beyond merely conveying news and events, expanding its activities to offer diverse educational services to meet societal needs. Modern technology provides varied educational lessons and programs, discussing teaching methods, educational practices, and evaluating their performance and quality. The role of educational media is expanding daily, with some media channels specializing entirely in the field of education. Moreover, with technological advancements, media can deliver high-quality and beneficial educational content, posing a serious competition to traditional educational institutions. This evolution reflects significant changes in the realm of education, showcasing the impact of media in shaping the future of education.


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Teaching methods

How to Cite

Amer Kareem hadal, L., & Alaa Sabah Muhammad, A. L. . . (2024). The Impact of Utilizing Digital Tools (Technology) for Achieving Educational Excellence. Lark, 16(2 pt1), 301-286.