The impact of hate speech on social media sites on university students and its reflection on national identity
hate speech, social networking sites, university students, national identityAbstract
The study aimed to identify the concept of hate speech and its forms, the behavioral effects resulting from its spread, the social role of social networking sites in combating hate speech, and its impact on the societal and religious value system. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher relied on the analytical descriptive approach, and designed the study tool (questionnaire). A sample of (290) Iraqi university students came. The results of the study, which see that social networking sites contribute to the dissemination of hate speech and the exacerbation of differences, came as a large percentage, and a medium percentage believed that it also works to call for dialogue and reduce violent and extremism speeches. As differences abound between people, social extremism increases, people's commitment to religion and political values decline, fomenting discord among the components of society, spreading division and competition, and inciting sectarian fanaticism are among the behaviors resulting from the spread of hate speech on social networking sites for its users. There is a statistically significant relationship at the level of significance (0.05) for the uses of social networking sites and their impact on combating hate speech.
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