Colloquial Arabic Dialects between Eloquent and Non-Arabic Iraqi and Syrian (model)


  • remlh kh madhloom the College of Basic Education at the University of Kufa



(Dialect, Colloquial, Iraqi Dialect, Syrian Dialect, Eloquent)


The paper dealt with vocabularies  used in  Iraqi and Syrian colloquial dialects and studied the differences, changes and the development  in the meaning of words between the eloquent and, on the other hand, the colloquial vocabularies. It also pointed out the differences and changes between the Iraqi and  Syrian dialects.

The two dialects are sharing some characteristics:   either a similar semantic usage of a certain vocabulary, as many words indicated the same connotation in the two dialects or words that have different meanings in the two uses. Therefore, we chose a set of contemporary words, regardless of their precise geographical use, they are common words in both Iraqi and Syrian dialects. These words have been studied in terms of verbs and nouns.

The study showed results that differ according to the use, including the transferring a lot of non-Arabic words into the colloquial dialects, or misusing  the vocabularies in the colloquial use than their origin in the eloquent use. So, the colloquial use works to allocate the meaning as we found vocabularies that are limited and allocated to some of their meanings in the dictionary, as well as there is a semantic expansion, as the paper  revealed vocabularies that known to have an expanded meaning than they were originally in the eloquent use. Thus, these vocabularies were specifically used and generalized  broadly to others. In colloquial use, some words are changed i.e. letters replaced by others, then they become common in the new form.



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How to Cite

madhloom, remlh kh. (2023). Colloquial Arabic Dialects between Eloquent and Non-Arabic Iraqi and Syrian (model). Lark, 15(4), 143-119.