Features of polyphony in the tale of the different-colored concubines
Keywords: - story, polyphony, dialogue, intertextuality.Abstract
The research aims to investigate the features of the polyphony in the story ( the maidservants of different colours and the dialogue that took place between them) which is one of the tales of one thousands and one night. It depends on the title (the dialogue that took place between them ) on the dialogue which is the smooth ground of polyphony in the novel according to the critics. The features of the polyphony are formed in the difference of the viewpoint of the maidservants according to a specific situation which is the standard of the beauty. It's an ideological difference depends on the difference of the colours and the shape of the maidservants (white, brown,fat, thin, yellow, black)as well as their conviction about beauty standards that suits the colour and shape of each one of them. The dialogue in the story takes the form of pilgrims,so that each one of these maidservants presents her vision of beauty. It is a special vision based on the religious philosophical and literary references.It contradict the vision that corresponds to it . For example (the fat and the thin). The dialogue is a dialogue revealing the ideological difference and the verbal diversity in the story.
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