The position of the conciliatory current of tyranny in modern Arab thought


  • Researcher Raghad Nazim Ba'eer Al-Attabi University of Wasit / College of Arts / Philosophy Department
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr Maytham Mohammed Yasur University of Wasit / College of Arts / Philosophy Department



conciliatory current, modern Arab thought, political tyranny.


The question of authoritarianism in its various forms continues to be relevant. In this research, we aim to explore the stance of the Tawfiqi movement towards authoritarianism in modern Arab thought. We seek to clarify the significant viewpoints of Arab thinkers on authoritarianism and how they addressed this topic. We focus on three prominent figures in modern Arab thought: Tahar Haddad, who fought against all forms of authoritarianism, including educational authoritarianism, by attempting to reform the education system and advocate for women's rights in education. Khayr al-Din al-Tunisi, who views political authoritarianism as the cause of societal and structural decay, a consequence of adhering to a single opinion. As for Al-Kawakibi, he addresses various forms of authoritarianism and considers it a general illness and debilitation, proposing several necessary solutions to overcome it.


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How to Cite

Raghad Nazim Ba'eer Al-Attabi , R., & Maytham Mohammed Yasur, A. P. D. (2023). The position of the conciliatory current of tyranny in modern Arab thought. Lark, 15(4), 662-643.