Role Conflict According to Parsons' Criterion and its Relationship of Administrative re-balance according to Emergency Conditions Theory for Secondary Teachers in Wasit Governorate
Keywords: Parsons theory, administrative balance, emergency conditions, Wasit Governorate.Abstract
The aim of the current research is to identify role conflict among secondary school teachers in Wasit Governorate based on their point of view according to Parsons' theory criterion . The reason behind this study is to restore the administrative balance among secondary school teachers in Wasit Governorate based on their point of view according to the theory of emergency conditions. Also, to figure out the correlation between role conflict and administrative rebalancing among secondary teachers in Wasit .
The researcher used the descriptive correlative approach to achieve the research results. Research community consisted of (3000) teachers, while the research sample was (300) teachers with a rate of (10%). Two scales were built by the researcher , the first was for role conflict according to Getzels theory while the second was for the administrative balance according to the theory of emergency conditions .
After all the steps of building the scale were followed, (discriminant validity - psychometric characteristics - reliability) were distributed to the research sample. As for the statistical methods used , they included :(arithmetic means ,standard deviations , Pearson's correlation coefficient , t-test for one sample and the t-test). The researcher concluded that school teachers are good at managing the role conflict and have a good administrative balance. Moreover, there is a direct correlation between conflict management and administrative balance . Finally, the researcher reached a number of conclusions , recommendations and suggestions.
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